Roulette Odds Vs Blackjack

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  • Casino Odds vs Sport Betting Odds: Everything You Need to Know.
  • Also, some blackjack tables only pay off at 6 to 5 for a natural. In that case, the casino adds more than 1.5% to its edge. You should pass on 6/5 blackjack games, but if you play them, you might as well play roulette. Also, keep in mind that roulette doesn’t require you to make good decisions to achieve that edge.

Blackjack has a lower house edge, but the answer to your literal question is, Roulette. In Roulette the chance of your color winning is 18/37 = 48.65% In Blackjack you have about a 46% chance of.


If you wanted to, you could spend all day ruminating about the concept of what makes something better than something else. Here’s a Stanford University page on the philosophy that explains “value theory” if you’re curious about “what is better.”

Asking if blackjack is better than roulette is a lot like asking what a best-selling beer does for you. Some people will scream it “tastes great” while others will argue it’s “less filling.” It’s pretty subjective. The comparison for blackjack and roulette is a lot similar.

It’s all about context, isn’t it?

I’m sure the old adage about sauce for gooses and ganders only works for the casino. They don’t care where the player loses money as long as everyone is having fun.

Since gambling is best enjoyed as entertainment, comparing blackjack and roulette feels like comparing a 5-course meal to an elite buffet. As long as the food is good in both places, everyone should be happy.

Roulette Odds Vs Blackjack

Everyone has his or her own preferences. So, when a beginning gambler is trying to decide between the meal of blackjack or the roulette buffet, they’ll have to decide which suits their diet best.

The rules for deciding which game is best in gambling should be simple.

  • Where do I consistently lose the most money?
  • Where do I enjoy the most wins?
  • Am I having fun?

But what is the best way to explain the pros and cons of both games to a beginner?

Imagine taking your kids to the casino on their 21st birthday. They finally get to enjoy a night with the adults. Here’s how I would compare the two games to my kids:

Blackjack Is More Quietly Social Than Roulette

People chat away at blackjack tables, but the conversation is more subdued in my experience. Many players are more relaxed than the folks standing at the roulette tables.

For someone who is taking it all in for the first time, blackjack is a good game where you can explain odds and probabilities. You can’t sit there and count cards out loud for a newbie gambler, but you can explain the game patiently.

I’ve stood next to more than one roulette table where some young guy screamed loudly every time the ball landed in his zone. It’s hard to hold a conversation like that.

Other times the casino may be running slow. You can stand at the roulette table and explain the game to someone because there are no other players. The croupiers are efficient and professional.

I’ve never felt inclined to talk to strangers at a roulette table. I’m more willing to chit with the chatters when seated for blackjack. It feels more intimate.

Blackjack Is Less Likely to Take Your Money

I once watched a guy place substantial bets on five individual numbers. That was his system. His money didn’t last long.

You can bet the table limit in blackjack and burn through a small bankroll quickly. But comparatively speaking, blackjack players are more conservative than single-number roulette players.

Roulette odds vs blackjack real money

You’re not at the blackjack table to get rich. You’re there to play a game that requires skill. Any fool can drop $100 on a single number in roulette.

The player is responsible for his wagers. I’ve watched people drop a couple thousand dollars on blackjack. I’ve lost as much as $500 myself.

It’s not a safe game, but the player is less likely to play blackjack unsafely.

If you take the time to think about the game, you become more cautious. Deciding whether to split 5s is much harder than deciding not to split 10s. (You should never split either, by the way.)

In roulette, I quickly grow bored with placing all my money in 2-for-1 zones. Sometimes I bet $25 on a single number. I’ve never won that bet, but it was fun while it lasted.

Roulette Is Designed to Give You an Adrenaline Rush

If you want an exciting game, then play roulette or craps. Roulette is easier to understand, so introduce your kid to casino excitement through roulette first.

A seasoned blackjack player may catch on quickly when someone else is running the table. Maybe the guy is only lucky, but he wins a lot of hands. There’s a certain quiet excitement in watching someone play so well.

In roulette, if there’s a crowd around the table, everyone may give a shout when a person wins a risky bet. The excitement grows as the croupier pushes a stack of chips toward a player.

Although the gameplay in blackjack can proceed faster than a slow roulette table, roulette seems to take less time to resolve. That adrenaline rush can go on for a while when the crowd is hot, and the table is paying.

With enough players betting on the wheel, roulette looks a lot like the way it’s shown in the movies. Someone is always getting chips, even if it’s not the same player. The crowd loves a winner.

Crowds are drawn to excitement. If people are hanging around a table, there is a reason. I see groups converge on roulette more often than for blackjack. If your newbie gambler likes attention, this may be the game for them.

Players Have More Control Over Risk in Roulette

There are more options in roulette than in blackjack. And unlike blackjack, where the player must wait for cards to be dealt to adjust the risk they take, everything is decided at once in roulette.

The game is entirely passive, but players can choose from a wider variety of options than in blackjack.

How often do you get four or five splits in a single hand of blackjack?

Players who want to throw caution to the winds and challenge the luck gods prefer roulette to blackjack. It’s easier to try a different idea every game. In blackjack, the draw of the cards limits the players’ choices.

Players can also balance their risk in roulette. Place a low-risk outside bet in a 2-for-1 zone and then place a couple of higher-risk inside bets on 4-number points.

More People Can Play a Roulette Table Than a Blackjack Table

This varies by casino. Some casinos place seats around their roulette tables. Even if you can stand and bet, the seats take up space.

Blackjack tables max out at seven players, no matter what. If there is sufficient demand and available staff, the casino will open more blackjack tables.

The same is true for roulette. As the day shifts into evening, more people gravitate toward the roulette tables. Only one wheel may have been active in the slow afternoon, but if a casino has extra, they certainly will open up several more in the evening.

Yet, there is usually no specified limit on the number of players for a roulette table. If 12 people can stand around the table and keep their chips separate, that should be okay.

In a busy casino, roulette may be the easier game to get into. Availability always varies by venue, but it’s been my experience that even on busy nights there’s always room for one more at a roulette table.

And that is where all the yelling and screaming comes from. The bigger the crowd at a table, the more likely they get excited. All they are waiting for is someone to score a nice win.


When comparing the merits of both games, most people start talking about the house edge.

The edge is one way to compare games.

But what is the chance you’ll split five times versus scoring a blackjack on a single draw?

There are multiple edges within each game. The chance of the ball landing on any 1 number ranges from 1-in-37 to 1-in-39, depending on the roulette variation you’re playing. The chance of the ball landing on either black or red is just under 50%.

The payoff odds in both games are adjusted to ensure the house makes a profit in the long run. The real question for me has always been about where I think I have a shot at getting my money back.

That is most often blackjack.

But roulette is a decent fallback game for conservative players who want to take on a little more risk. It’s best to set a limit on how much risk you take before you begin placing your chips.

After all, the night is longer for those who must drive home early than for those who drive home as winners.

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Welcome to our roulette payouts calculator online. Roulette is a game of chance, which means it relies entirely on roulette odds. Therefore, it’s beneficial for all players to know how these odds work before they decide how to bet in roulette online with real money.

There are several distinct bets you can place in the game of roulette. Your odds will also fluctuate considerably depending on which variation of the game you choose to play. In this guide, we’ll explain the following to you.

  • How to calculate your roulette odds payout;
  • How the different types of bets work in roulette.

Now, these aren’t the only things you’ll learn from this article. We’ll also give you information on American Roulette payouts chart and where to play video roulette live.

So what are Roulette Odds?

Did you know that European roulette has more favorable odds for US players than the American version? It’s essential to understand the odds if you want to increase your chances of getting a big payday in roulette.

The odds of hitting a single number with a straight-up bet in American roulette are 37 to 1 because there are 38 numbers (1 to 36, plus 0 and 00).

Nevertheless, the house will only pay out 35 to 1 on winning wagers, with equivalent odds for combination bets payouts.

So to summarise, the house has a significant edge in both American and European roulette. There are ways to reduce the house edge, which you can learn about when studying the roulette payout rules.

As you can see from the roulette payout table above, there are slight differences between American Roulette Payout charts and European Roulette Payout Charts.

Read on to understand more about these differences.

Different Bet Types and their odds

The most important thing that you need to know about roulette bets is that there are two main categories. You can place an Outside Bet or an Inside Bet. The names come from the roulette table layout.

Let’s discuss the wager types in a little more detail.

Inside Bet

Are you feeling lucky? Then you might want to go for an inside bet.

Inside bets refer to wagers on particular numbers and sets of numbers that can be found on the inside of the roulette table’s layout. You’ll have lower chances of winning with inside bets, but the payouts will be higher when you do win.

The house edge on inside and outside bets is the same.

Here are some examples of inside bets:

Straight – Here you are betting on only one specific number. Naturally, the probability of you getting it right is not very high, but the payout is also the highest. The payout with this bet will be 35 to 1.

European roulette will give you a winning percentage chance of 2.7% and 2.63% in American roulette. It is also known as a single-number bet.

Street – With a street bet, you are betting on a row of three numbers. If you win, you can get a payout of 11 to 1.

In American Roulette, you have a 7.9% chance of winning and an 8.1% chance in European Roulette.

Roulette Odds Vs Blackjack Real Money

Split – A split bet is a wager on two of the numbers out of the available thirty-seven. There is one rule, though; the numbers have to be next to one another on the table.

With this bet, the payout will be 17 to 1, and you’ll have a winning percentage chance of 5.41% in European roulette and 5.260% in American roulette.

Corner – With a corner bet, you’re wagering on four numbers that form a kind of square on the table, like 22, 23, 25, and 26, for instance.

The payout will be 8 to 1. In the American version, you have a 10.53% chance to win and a 10.81% when playing European roulette.

This wager is also sometimes referred to as a square bet or a quarter bet.

Basket – The basket is a five number bet that is only available in American roulette. This type of bet allows you to wager on zero, double-zero, 1, 2, and 3.

The payout will be 6 to 1 with a winning percentage chance of 13.16%.

Line – With a line bet, you’re betting on two rows of neighboring numbers (a total of six digits) i.e., 7, 8, 9, and 10, 11, and 12.

The payout will be 5 to 1 with a 15.79% chance in American roulette and a 16.22% chance in European roulette.

It’s also called Double Street.

Outside Bet

Now that you know all about inside bets, it’s time to learn about outside bets.

Roulette odds vs blackjack poker

An outside bet gives players a higher chance of a payout. Half of the possible results of a game of roulette are covered by ‘outside bets.’ When the chances of winning are so high, your payout will inevitably be less – it’s usually 1 to 1.

There are outside bets with a somewhat better payout. They are column bets and dozen. Each of them covers twelve numbers on the roulette wheel. They give you approximately a 1 in 3 chance of winning and a payout of 2 to 1.

There are several bets which are “outside” the thirty-eight numbers on a roulette table. They refer to a particular set of numbers or colors.

All outside bets will lose if the ball lands on 0 or 00.

Examples of outside bets include:

Odd or Even – This bet is straightforward. You are wagering on whether the ball will land on an odd or even number. It pays out at even odds or 1 to 1.

Red or Black – You simply have to choose whether the ball will land on red or black. It also pays out at 1 to 1 or even odds. So the roulette payout on black or red is 1 : 1.

Low or High – Another simple bet. You have the choice to bet low or high. Low meaning the ball lands on 1 – 18 and High, meaning the ball lands on 19 – 36.

If you’re successful, the payout will be even odds or 1 – 1.

Column – There are three columns with twelve numbers each on a roulette table. Therefore, if the ball lands on one of the numbers in the column you chose, you will get a payout of 2 to 1.

Dozens – There are thirty-six numbers on a roulette table. With this bet, you bet on either the first dozen (1-12), second dozen (13-24) or third dozen (25-36). If you chose correctly, the payout would be 2 – 1.

Called Bet

French and European roulette are the only variations that allow Called bets

Called bets differ from inside and outside bets. Instead of the places on the table, they’re grouped according to places on the wheel.

You typically get two kinds of called bets.

Fixed Called Bets:

Neighbors of Zero – This bet is sometimes referred to as ‘the grand series.’ It’s a wager on all 17 numerals close to the zero. The zero is marked as green. You’ll have to put down a minimum of nine chips to include all the numbers. Your chances of winning with this bet is 45.9%.

Depending on the winning number and because the payout isn’t fixed, the odds can go as high as 24 to 1.

Thirds of the Wheel – With this type, you are betting on 12 numbers that are across from the neighbors of zero.

You’ll have a winning probability of 32.4%. The payout will be 17:1. This bet is comparable to the column or dozen bets when it comes to odds and payout.

Zero Game – With a zero game bet, you wager on seven of the figures close to the green zero. Essentially it’s a smaller version of the Neighbors of Zero wager.

The Orphans – A wager on any of the numbers which are not covered by the other called bets. You have a winning chance of 21.6%, and the payout can be either 17 to 1 or 35 to 1.

Variable Called Bets:

The Neighbors – You wager on five numbers that are next to one another on the wheel. This bet has a winning chance of 13.5%

The Finals – A wager on the last digit of where the ball lands. So a six bet will include 6, 16, 26 and 36.

Payout Odds vs. Odds of Winning

Casinos make their money from the distinction between the payout odds and the odds of winning.

Here is an example of how you can show the payout on a bet as odds:

35 to 1 is how you’d display a payoff on the single number or straight bet.

You can also display the chances of winning this way. A conventional American roulette wheel has 37 ways to lose a straight wager and only one way to win, which means the odds of winning are 37 to 1.

Considering the chances of winning are less than the payoff for the bet, in the long term, the casino will always make a profit.

Theoretically, a straight bet will be paid out once in every 38 spins, but the payout will only be 35 to 1, so the casino still makes a profit.

In short, casinos work with long term averages, particularly when it comes to roulette.

4 Tips to increase your chances of winning

Most gamblers recognize roulette for being one of the most challenging games to win. That’s due in part to the notable house advantage it has.

On the American roulette wheel, for instance, the house advantage is a monstrous 5.26%! Notwithstanding the aforementioned, roulette is still a favorite amongst newbies and experts. I think it’s because of the quick pace and seemingly straightforward gameplay.

By now, you should know that there is no way you can win with every spin. Nevertheless, if you want to maximize your chance of winning in roulette, you’ll need to understand how to make the most of your odds.

Even though winning in this game is mostly down to luck, there are things you can do to give yourself a higher chance of getting a nice payout.

Here are our experts’ 4 TOP tips to increase your chances of getting payouts on roulette tables.

  1. Know the odds! The odds of various wagers made in roulette differ massively. You’ll need to know your odds if you want to make the most of your budget. Use our roulette wheel payouts calculator online to ensure you understand the odds.
  2. Pick your variation wisely. Most games that offer varieties will have different odds for each of the types available. So, if you can’t decide between French, American, or European roulette, consider the different odds per variation before you start. It could mean the difference between a high-priced loss and a huge win!
  3. Outside bets have the highest chance to win. If you want to guarantee the best possible shot of winning, outside bets are just the thing. Now, this betting style might not land you a huge payout, but it’s a pleasant way to play without wasting too much money.
  4. Look for European roulette wheels. European roulette has the lowest house advantage of all the types of roulette. In American roulette, the house edge is nearly double! European roulette wheels are available at most of the top brick and mortar casinos and at almost all online casinos too.

FAQs – Roulette Wheel Payout

There are tons of articles online on everything from roulette payout rules to casino roulette rules. We hope that this article has helped you understand roulette a little better. Knowing more about things like roulette odds and roulette table payouts will help you to become a more confident player.

Below are some of the most frequently asked questions when it comes to roulette and things like how payouts for the roulette table work.

Where can I find the best online roulette odds and payouts❓

Firstly, you should understand the roulette odds of the different bet types in roulette. The highest odds in roulette are 36 to 1, and it’s for straight or single number bets. The lowest odds are 1 to 1, and it’s for outside bets like Odd/Even or Red/Black. So roulette payouts for red or black bets are 1 to 1.

Secondly, remember that the odds of winning in European roulette are slightly better than on the American table.

There are a number of websites where you can find recommendations for the best roulette online.

The amount of numbers on a roulette wheel will depend on the version you are playing. A European roulette wheel has 37 numbers in total (1 to 36 and 0).

If you’re playing American roulette, there will be 38 numbers (1 to 36, 0, and 00). The European roulette wheel has 37 total numbers (1 to 36 and 0).

Betting on 00 is known as a straight bet or a single number bet. This type of bet offers a payout of 35 to 1.

Roulette Odds Vs Blackjack Odds

Remember that although the odds of winning are 37 to 1, the payout is less. 00 is only on the American roulette wheel.

When you bet on 0 or green, the payout is determined by the type of bet you placed and the type of roulette you are playing.

In the case of a straight bet on zero, you’ll get a 35 to 1 payout.

If you made a Split bet, you’d get a 17 to 1 payout. So the green payout in roulette is the same as the payout for 0.

You should refer to our Online Roulette Payout Calculator for all the possible combinations.

There are several different payouts in roulette that are affected by many various factors. For instance, a single number bet offers a payout of 35 to 1, and the roulette table payout for an odd or even bet is 1 to 1.

You should have a look at our Roulette Pay Chart at the beginning of this article for more information.

Payouts for roulette always pay out less than the actual odds of scoring a win. That’s why casinos have an advantage of about 5.26% on roulette. Roulette probability of winning will always be less than the payout amounts.

Anything is possible in the short term. It’s referred to as “standard deviation”, which illustrates why some players leave the roulette tables as winners.

Roulette Vs Blackjack Odds

Use our roulette payout chart at the beginning of the article to help you with your chances.

If I study the odds, is there a way I can win every time❓

The simple truth is NO. Players will never be able to win at roulette with every spin even if they fully understand the associated odds.

Roulette Odds Vs Blackjack Poker

Studying roulette odds is an excellent way of increasing your chances by placing the most informed bet.